2024 Kalamalka Fly Fishers Society Bursary.
Congratulations to Dana Barclay (centre left) and Rosina Fraser-Bowden (centre right), the 2024 recipients of the Kalamalka Fly Fishers Society Bursary to the Okanagan College Foundation.
The recipients of the KFF Bursary will have successfully completed the first year of full-time study in the Water Quality Technology program at Okanagan College and will be returning for the second year of full-time study in that program.
Once again, congratulations to Dana and Rosina.

Kalamalka Flyfishers Bursary
Confirming one of the Kalamalka Flyfishers Society's founding principles of conservation; in 1995 an annual bursary of $500 to the Okanagan College was started. We have since raise that amount to $1000 annually.
Award Criteria. The Award of $1,000 is to be made to an Okanagan College student who meets the following criteria:
(a) the recipient will be a permanent resident of the North Okanagan or Shuswap-Revelstoke region;
(b) the recipient will have successfully completed the first year of full-time study in the Water Quality Technology program at Okanagan College and will be returning for the second year of full-time study in that program;
(c) the recipient will be pursuing a career in the Fisheries or Conservation area;
(d) selection of the Award recipient will be based on a combination of academic achievement and financial need with an emphasis on financial need; and
(e) the recipient will be in good academic standing;
(f) selection will be made by an Okanagan College awards selection committee in conjunction with a representative of the Kalamalka Fly Fishers Society.
The Okanagan College Awards Selection Committee will select the student in accordance with its policies and procedures.
The Foundation will administer the Award in accordance with its Award Administration Policy as amended from time to time.