Education is one of the Kalamalka Fly Fishers Societies core purposes.
Fly fishing for some, is not only about catching fish on the fly, which is a lot of fun, but also about always learning more. As a new fly fisher or a world champion, in fly fishing there is always more to learn. Adding distance or accuracy to your cast, reading the water, tying flies or building rods there is no end to what you can learn.
The Introduction to Fly Tying course and Introduction to Fly Fishing / Fly Casting course each run once a year and will get the beginner started or a good refresher for the person who has been away for a while and want to get back into tying flies or fly fishing.
When it comes to getting kids started in fly tying or fly fishing, we can offer a wide range of classes tailored made for the kids. For the 2014 Girl Guides SOAR in Enderby, the Kalamalka Flyfishers Society set up two stations. At one station the girls learned the basics of how to tie flies while at the other they learned the basics of casting a fly rod. We have helped local Scouts earn their fishing badge and gone into the schools to introduce students to fly tying over a number of classes.