Kalamalka Fly Fishers and Clear Your Gear are teaming up to make fishing line recycling available and easy in the North Okanagan.
We have all heard of the danger and damage from plastic in our oceans, lakes and rivers. Did you know that your fishing line is one of those plastics? Fishing line can take hundreds of years to break down. Even if you throw it out and it makes it to the landfill, you are just hiding the problem, not fixing it.
The problem with discarded fishing line:
- Swimmers, including your dog, can become entangled and seriously injured
- Wildlife such as birds, fish and turtles can become entangled and seriously injured or killed. (Castanet News Dead eagle found tangled in fishing line)
- Outboard and inboard motor propellers can become entangled and seriously damaged. Discarded fishing line can be taken in through the water intake and again, serious damage can result.
What you can do.
Look for a fishing line recycle receptical location near you, and deposit your fishing line in the fishing line receptical. That is all there is to it. We are just getting started, but hope to have a fishing line recycling station at your favorate lake soon.
Current Locations in the Okanagan:
Trout Waters Fly and Tackle - Kelowna