Ticket Raffle

Kalamalka Fly Fishers 2024 Fly Rod & Tackle Raffle Winners.

Here are the winners of the Kalamalka Fly Fishers Fly Rod & Tackle Raffle.

First prize of the custom MXH “Native Fly Rod (4 piece, 9’, 5 weight), complete with Sage reel, floating line and rod case, approximate value of $1,250.00 goes to

Wayne Vicic with the winning ticket #1520

Second prize of the custom MXH Fly Rod (4 piece, 9’6”, 5 weight), with rod case, approximate value of $850.00 goes to

Susan (from Vernon) with the winning ticket #1006

Third prize of the 50+ hand tied flies, fly box and “Flies & Fly Fishing Techniques for BC Interior Lakes” book, approximate value of $150.00 goes to

Everett Loberg with the winning ticket #2346

Congratulations to our lucky winners and thank you to everyone for your support.

Winners will be contact by a club member in the next few days.

Each year the Kalamalka Fly Fishers Society holds a Fly Rod & Tackle Raffle to support our efforts toward conservation, education, and participation in the sport of fly fishing.

Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111 • www.bcresponsiblegambling.ca • Know your limit, play within it • 19+



Let’s not forget the prizes. First prize is a high end custom fly rod and case, reel and line. The fly rod is custom built by Jack Butula, one of our members. Second prize is again a high end custom fly rod and case, custom built, again by Jack Butula. Third prize is a fly box with at least 30 hand tied flies. All flies are hand tied by Kalamalka Flyfishers Society members. We only tie flies that work for us.

Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111  www.bcresponsiblegambling.ca Know your limit, play within it. Must be 19+

Past Winners

First Prize 2024

Second Prize 2024

Third Prize 2024

Wayne Vicic


Everett Loberg

First Prize 2023

Second Prize 2023

Third Prize 2023

Kevin Casey

Bob Tait

Renee Stewart-Smith

First Prize 2020

Second Prize 2020

Third Prize 2020

Bill Sanders

Warren Burgess

Andy Tinworth

First Prize 2019

Second Prize 2019

Third Prize 2019

Bob Omand

Marc Elrick

Darrell Skiinner

First Prize 2018

Second Prize 2018

Third Prize 2018

Darin Patrick

Lorna Dewar

Gordon Greatrix

First Prize 2017

Second Prize 2017

Third Prize 2017

Frank Prechnik

Roxanne Turcotte

Ozzie Cochrane

First Prize 2016

Second Prize 2016

Third Prize 2016

Greg Bobietes

Adrian Hizar

Rob Johnson

First Prize 2015

Second Prize 2015

Third Prize 2015

Michael Wasylnka

Viv Falconer

Troy Watts

First Prize 2014

Second Prize 2014

Third Prize 2014

Rachel Moxham

Alexander Kazimer

Mike Allen

First Prize 2013

Second Prize 2013

Third Prize 2013

Tami Burgess

Jeff Reman

Perry Wainwright

First Prize 2012

Second Prize 2012

Third Prize 2012

Minnie Betker

Caroline Jensen

Matt Greenberg

First Prize 2011

Second Prize 2011

Third Prize 2011

Cory Salahubs

John Vanlerberg

Gary Arbuckle

First Prize 2010

Second Prize 2010

Third Prize 2010

Dave Hayward

Ken Kletsky

Trenton J. Hoath

First Prize 2009

Second Prize 2009

Third Prize 2009

Gary Wilkie

Eleanon Dean

Art Haycock

First Prize 2008

Second Prize 2008

Third Prize 2008

Ed Baerg

Tara Willey

Tom Gerow

First Prize 2007

Second Prize 2007

Third Prize 2007

Art Haycock

Warren Friesen

Garry Molitwenik

First Prize 2006

Second Prize 2006

Third Prize 2006

Jeremy Peter

Les Robinson

Owen Willey

First Prize 2005

Second Prize 2005

Third Prize 2005

Brennan Storr

Dave Hamm

Bob Otway

First Prize 2004

Second Prize 2004

Third Prize 2004

Ellen Shaw

Don Julfeth

Norm Martens

First Prize 2003

Second Prize 2003

Third Prize 2003

Justin Rodes

Kevin Hillier

Larry Duncan

First Prize 2001

Second Prize 2001

Third Prize 2001

Robbin Browning

Peter Davis

Vince Milton